Prove - definition. What is Prove
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ترجمة وتحليل الكلمات عن طريق الذكاء الاصطناعي ChatGPT

في هذه الصفحة يمكنك الحصول على تحليل مفصل لكلمة أو عبارة باستخدام أفضل تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي المتوفرة اليوم:

  • كيف يتم استخدام الكلمة في اللغة
  • تردد الكلمة
  • ما إذا كانت الكلمة تستخدم في كثير من الأحيان في اللغة المنطوقة أو المكتوبة
  • خيارات الترجمة إلى الروسية أو الإسبانية، على التوالي
  • أمثلة على استخدام الكلمة (عدة عبارات مع الترجمة)
  • أصل الكلمة

%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

Prove; Proving; Proofs; Proof (movie); Proof (film); Proof (disambiguation); Proved; Proove; Proof (quality); Proof (resistance); Proof (TV series); Proof (series); Proof (song); Prove (disambiguation)

1) to prove conclusively
2) (B) she was able to prove her innocence to us
3) (E) she proved to be a good worker
4) (L; to) he proved (to everyone) that he could cope with the job
5) (M) history proved her to be right
6) (N; used with an adjective, past participle) the evidence proved him guilty
I. v. a.
Demonstrate, show, manifest, confirm, establish, evidence, evince, substantiate, ascertain, justify, verify, make good.
Try, test, examine, make trial of, assay, put to the test, experiment upon, submit to the test or proof.
Experience, suffer.
II. v. n.
Turn out, be found to be.
Essay, make trial.
Make certain.
·vi To make trial; to Essay.
II. Prove ·vi To Succeed; to turn out as expected.
III. Prove ·vt To take a trial impression of; to take a proof of; as, to prove a page.
IV. Prove ·vt To evince, establish, or ascertain, as truth, reality, or fact, by argument, testimony, or other evidence.
V. Prove ·vt To ascertain or establish the genuineness or validity of; to Verify; as, to prove a will.
VI. Prove ·vi To be found by experience, trial, or result; to turn out to be; as, a medicine proves salutary; the report proves false.
VII. Prove ·vt To gain experience of the good or evil of; to know by trial; to Experience; to Suffer.
VIII. Prove ·vt To try or to ascertain by an experiment, or by a test or standard; to Test; as, to prove the strength of gunpowder or of ordnance; to prove the contents of a vessel by a standard measure.
IX. Prove ·vt To test, evince, ascertain, or verify, as the correctness of any operation or result; thus, in subtraction, if the difference between two numbers, added to the lesser number, makes a sum equal to the greater, the correctness of the subtraction is proved.



Proof most often refers to:

  • Proof (truth), argument or sufficient evidence for the truth of a proposition
  • Alcohol proof, a measure of an alcoholic drink's strength

Proof may also refer to:

أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. I‘ve come back to prove everyone wrong, prove the school wrong, prove my family wrong.
2. "I had to prove I was sending money, and prove I was taking care of her.
3. "We‘ve got a lot to prove, and we intend to prove it," he said.
4. The bandwidth may prove insufficient, or the digital–rights and compression formats could prove too fiddly.
5. The onus is on others to prove her so called guilt, it is not on her to prove her innocence.